Texas Home Living (TxHmL)

A brief description

Texas Home Living (TxHmL) is a Medicaid Waiver program that provides essential community-based services and supports to allow individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to continue living with their families or in their own homes in the community.

TxHmL services are intended to supplement instead of replace the services and supports an individual may receive from other programs, and are limited to a yearly cost of $15,000 per participant.

The TxHmL Program is operated by the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS).

Who is eligible for TxHmL?

A person is eligible for the TxHmL Program if he or she:

  1. Meets financial eligibility requirements
  2. Has a diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities or an IQ of 75 or below with a related condition
  3. Lives in his or her own home or family home
  4. Does not require intensive one-to-one supervision to prevent dangerous behavior
  5. Is not enrolled in another Medicaid waiver program (such as CLASS or MDCP) and has accepted an offer to enroll in the TxHmL program, and chooses to participate in the TxHmL program instead of the ICF/MR Program

Who provides TxHmL services?

TxHmL Program providers are privately owned entities: HHS certifies all TxHmL Program providers and monitors the services they provide.

You or your representative choose the TxHmL Program provider that will provide your services, and can choose a different program provider at any time. Upon changing providers, your services are transferred to the TxHmL Program provider you choose. Your service coordinator will help you transfer your services to the new provider.

What services are available?

TxHmL service components:
  • Community Living Supports (working on daily living and  social/community activities)
  • Day habilitation (working on self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to live in the community)
  • Employment assistance (working towards finding paid employment in the community)
  • Supported employment (help to keep paid employment in the community)
  • Respite (short-term relief of the unpaid caregiver)
Specialized supports:
  • Nursing services
  • Behavioral support
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Dietary
  • Speech and language pathology
  • Audiology
Reimbursed services:
  • Minor home modifications (physical changes to the individual’s home that are necessary to enable access)
  • Adaptive aids (devices or supplies that increase mobility, daily living skills, or communication skills)
  • Dental treatment may be provided up to a maximum of $1,000 per individual per IPC year.

Comparison of HCS and TxHmL:

Home and Community-based Services Program compared to Texas Home Living Program